But in the meantime...
My other goals mostly pertain to finally sitting down and getting some writing churned out, away from the rigors, pressures, and distractions of city life (a.k.a., paying rent and hustling tables at the seafood restaurant of my employ). Not that I haven't been writing/working since I finished up the first draft of the second Atlantea book in February; I simply feel that a few months in quiet solitude in the country (when I'm not directing) ought to lead to a new found lease on creative output. Case in point, over the next three months, I plan on working on:
- two new plays, including my long-promised full-length take on Hunter S. Thompson
- the second draft of Vol. II of the Atlantea Chronicles
- a new book, a comedic mystery in the vein of Christopher Moore
The Hunter play greatly excites me, for several reasons. I've already found great success with two shorter versions of what I'm envisioning, though both were in college environments. With that being said, a funny joke is a funny joke, and the writings of the good Doctor naturally lent themselves towards the frenetic, slightly absurdist staging with which I decided to write the play. I'm a huge fan of Thompson's work, and have been working to get my hands on nearly everything he ever wrote, so as to better immerse myself in a world that might pour out this play in the way that I can see it in my head. To that end, towards the end of August, I'll be vacationing in Denver, and plan on making a pilgrimage to Aspen, where he once ran for sheriff, while working on the first draft of the play.
As I continue to hash through the ideas that I've orchestrated in my head, I'll be finished with the play by September/October and looking to submit it to the Cincy Fringe Festival (going on now!) and trying to get this behemoth staged for a mass audience. If this goes according to my (slightly imagined and very feverish) plan, "Hunter Thompson Strikes Again!" will be staged next June of 2014 in a small theatre space in Cincinnati at one of the largest and most well-attended fringe fests in the country.
Until then, I probably should write the damn thing.
Segway! I've been busy the last two days!
Yesterday, I arrived in Cincinnati, where several of my oldest friends and I attended an evening concert of a funk-R&B band called Here Come the Mummies. Based out of Memphis, TN, (or Egypt...) the core concept behind the band is that they play sizzling funk with marvelously unsubtle innuendos...while dressed as mummies.
The above hooligan is my favorite member of the band (as of yesterday), Java Mummy. Playing percussion, he's somewhat off to the side, if he were to stick with the formal staging. However, this rampaging bundle of energy leaps and bounds all across the stage, sometimes taking lead vocals, sometimes disappearing and coming back in a gorilla suit on a tricycle. If bands voted on the NBA Award for 6th Man of the Year, Java Mummy would be an annual threat to take home the trophy every year. No contest.
Today, I set to work out on the farm (because I've got to make SOME money this summer, and also it gets boring around here during the day, so it makes more sense to keep busy by being useful than to play MahJong Titans all of the damn time). My chores included building a chicken pen, clearing brush, and gathering eggs. While these might sound relatively simple, let me just state that I've already got three blisters on my hands, and am not entirely sure when I'll ever be clean again. Oh, and I found a snake!
So that's me. Living the dream on this random "three month artistic residency" of mine. Stay tuned for more updates as I work on these projects, churn out some Shakespeare, and see the world.